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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Get The Blogger Buddy Gadget And Post Directly From Your Desktop

Unknown | 12:24 PM | | | Best Blogger Tips
Many of you will be familiar with desktop gadgets on windows vista and windows 7 and you may have visited the Windows Live gadget gallery.Gadgets such as Games that you can play on your desktop are very popular along with gadgets you may also use on iGoogle such as Weather gadgets, Clocks and Calenders, YouTube Video gadgets and so on.If you ain't seen them as the title suggest they are gadgets that you can have on your computers desktop, they load when you turn on your computer and you don't need to open a browser to use them.One gadget you may be interested in is the Blogger Buddy Gadget.

The Blogger Buddy Desktop Gadget

Blogger Buddy sits on your desktop and allows you to post directly to your blog without opening your Internet Browser.Once you download Blogger Buddy, Sign In and a list of your blogs will appear as in the Blogger Dashboard with the option to add a new post, Preview the post and view your blog.You can toggle between a small and large size Blogger Buddy Gadget and use the drag option to move it around your desktop.

Download Blogger Buddy

I have to admit I'm not seeing the purpose of Blogger Buddy but that is probably just the nature of my Blogs.Maybe If you add short basic posts to your blog it will be helpful and the comments on the gadget are positive so who am i to say it ain't the best thing ever invented.So check it out and tell me what you think and if you find it more useful than i do ?

Get Blogger Buddy From The Windows Live Gadget Gallery Here - Blogger Buddy.

Friday, April 22, 2011

7 Ass-Backwards Dating Rules That Need Revision

Unknown | 3:14 PM | Best Blogger Tips

The Rules: Time-Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right – I first discovered this handy, little, self-help book back in the summer of '08, and I'll admit that, initially, it had me hooked. A good friend of mine – a self-proclaimed "rules girl" – came back from college that summer with a new boyfriend, the supposed "Mr. Right," and a new attitude towards dating – and she credited it all to The Rules.

The next day, my friends and I were all at Barnes and Noble picking up our own copies, which we read cover-to-cover in about two days. We lived by those rules that summer, acting all aloof and playing hard to get with the opposite sex – but somehow we still didn't wind up with "Mr. Right" at the end of the summer.

How Apple tracks your location without you knowing

Unknown | 1:23 PM | Best Blogger Tips

IF YOU use an Apple iPhone or iPad, it is highly possible that you could be tracked almost anywhere in the world - and without your knowledge too.

Two security researchers have discovered a simple way to map out where you've been using information from a location cache file found within your iPhone's backups on your Mac or PC.
Because the files are not encrypted, it brings about serious privacy concerns and opens the door to physical and cyber security threat.
In a published article in Ars Technica, researchers Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden revealed their findings on Wednesday ahead of a conference taking place in San Francisco.
They found out that the iPhone or 3G iPad, or any Apple product with 3G data access, are logging location data to a file called consolidated.db with latitude and longitude coordinates and a timestamp.
In order to prove their discovery, the two researchers developed an open source application called iPhone Tracker to let anyone with access to the computer of the 3G device's user to track the locations he or she has been to.This data collection appears to be associated with the launch of iOS 4 last June and what this means is that Apple users have almost a year's worth of location data collected.
The software managed to track all of the countries they visited while using the iPhone.
Their findings also showed that Apple uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to track locations and it makes sure that the user is notified every time an app is used to grab a GPS location.
However, that's not all. Apple also triangulates the location from mobile phone towers and logs that information in order to help get a faster GPS lock.
This method does not go through the "approval" step required from the user when he fires up an app that uses GPS, so users do not get to decide whether their locations are tracked or not.
This tracking technology is not new and mobile companies have been using this information for their own purposes for years.
In the United Staes, regular people cannot access that data and a court order must be obtained.
However, with the method Apple is using, the data can be accessed from any computer which is used to sync the iPhone or iPad, as the information is not encrypted.
This means that anyone can have a detailed picture of your whereabouts but not without having to snoop at your computer.
Security expert Mr Charlie Miller told Ars: "This file is only readable by root. That means that a rogue App Store app won't be able to read it. Even a bad guy who hacks into your browser won't be able to read it."
However, it is still possible for remote hackers to exploit the data and it seems that there is no fix for now, wrote Mr Sam Biddle at Gizmodo.
"The only way to remove it from your computer is to wipe your back up files from your computer. But then you have no back ups to restore your phone in case you lose it.
"And every time you sync your computer, though, it'll create a new file. And if you do lose your phone, all your tracking data goes with it, right into the hands of whoever found it. And if you upgrade your phone to the next iPhone, the location tracking data goes with it," said Mr Biddle.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sex video: Police to re-submit IPs to AG

Unknown | 4:27 AM | | Best Blogger Tips

Police will resubmit the investigation papers on the video recording of a sex act involving a man resembling a prominent opposition leader to the Attorney-General's (AG) Chambers soonest possible.

Inspector-General of Police Ismail Omar said this was because the investigation papers, sent to the AG's Chambers last week, were returned to the police to be reworked."Some areas had to be relooked at and reworked and this is normal. The completed investigation papers will be handed back to the AG's Chambers soonest possible as we want the case to be resolved fast," he said after visiting the Kubang Semang area in Bukit Mertajam today.

Also present during the visit was Penang police chief Ayub Yaakob.

On March 21, the sex video was screened for selected journalists at Carcosa Seri Negara, Kuala Lumpur, by the "Datuk T" Trio.

The trio was later revealed to be former Malacca chief minister Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik, businessman Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and former Perkasa treasurer Shuaib Lazim.

Two days ago, federal police CID deputy chief Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said action might be taken under the law against them for distibuting and screening pornographic material.

However, newspaper reports today quoted the trio as saying that they were not afraid but were prepared to face the consequences of their action.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

7 reasons why sex video is a political conspiracy

Unknown | 10:20 PM | | Best Blogger Tips

It was been reported today that Shuib Lazim (of the infamous ‘ Datuk T ‘ trio) has called upon Anwar Ibrahim to swear on God’s name that he is not the man in the sex video.

Shuib Lazim’s challenge is desperate, ridiculous and a theatrical attempt to try and persuade the public that Anwar Ibrahim is the man in the video.
There is no need for Anwar to take any such oath for the following reasons:
1 No proof whatsoever has been adduced to show that the man in the video is Anwar Ibrahim.
2 Anwar himself has consistently denied it. His wife Dr Wan Azizah, who is also a medical doctor, has viewed the YouTube clip and stated decisively that it is not Anwar.
3 The video itself was produced by a group led by Rahim Thamby Chik who is an Umno henchman and agent. This points clearly to a political conspiracy engineered by Umno.
Shuib Lazim, the other culprit invoved in the criminal act of exhibiting the obscene video, is treasurer of the NGO Perkasa. Perkasa is a rabid opponent of Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat.
5 It has been almost a month after the screening of the video, but no action has been taken by police against the ‘Datuk T’ trio. This points to a wider conspiracy involving the highest elements in the police force, Attorney-General’s office and Umno leadership.
A series of statements have been issued by police which have nothing to do with the police investigation into the possession and screening
of the video under s.292 Penal Code. First, the police issued a statement claiming that the video is authentic.Next, during the Sarawak state elections, they made prejudicial and irrelevant comments on the search for the owner of the Omega watch. These were calculated to prejudice the public against Anwar Ibrahim and is further indication of high-level police involvement in the conspiracy.
Finally, the long track record of the police, Attorney-General’s office and Umno leadership in conspiring to fabricate criminal charges against Anwar Ibrahim since 1998 affords convincing proof that the sex video is part of a plot to end  the political career of Anwar Ibrahim and halt Pakatan Rakyat’s march to Putrajaya.

From N Surendran

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