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Saturday, May 21, 2011

World to end today?

Unknown | 11:55 PM | Best Blogger Tips

A huge  earthquake will herald the end of the world and the destruction of mankind today, an evangelical Christian leader is warning.
The head of a US Christian broadcaster says he is certain the apocalypse is upon us and may watch the drama unfold at home on television.
The theory is that those worth saving will go to heaven while the rest of humanity will be left to face oblivion after a day of judgement — beginning at 7am in the UK — accompanied by the second coming of Christ.
Harold Camping, 89, has made similar forecasts before however.
He previously predicted Jesus would return to Earth in 1994 - and atheists have reacted to his latest prophecy by arranging a "countdown to back-pedaling" party in anticipation he will be left red-faced.
Camping, head of the 140-station Christian radio network Family Stations, says true believers will progress to the afterlife while those left behind will perish at some point in the chaos of the next couple of months as the world is destroyed.
All non-believers are due to be dead by October 21 - and there is no doubt in his mind.
The former engineer said: "We know without any shadow of a doubt it is going to happen.
"We do not have a Plan B at all. There is no possibilty that it will not happen because all of our information comes from the Bible."
Camping's supporters have posted around 2,200 road-side posters advertising the up-coming catastrophe while dozens of his followers have driven across the US to warn the population of their impending doom.
He himself will be at home with his wife in northern California.
"I'll probably try to be very near a TV or a radio or something," said Camping.
"I'll be interested in what's happening on the other side of the world as this begins."
Sam Mulvey, 33, organised the atheists' countdown bash.
He said: "If the world still exists the next day, Family Radio is going to have to say something and most of the time they backpedal, and that's what we're counting down to."
Camping bases his predictions on his reading of the Bible and a timeline dating back to ancient events including the story of a flood survived by Noah.
But even those who broadly agree with his ideas don't like the way he addresses the prospect of Armageddon.
Apocalyptic author Jerry Jenkins said: "As a believer, I'm already a kook compared to most people, so for someone to choose a date and get everyone excited about a certain time, my problem is it makes us look worse."

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Harga makanan naik dua kali ganda berbanding dunia

Unknown | 11:40 PM | Best Blogger Tips

Pakatan Rakyat (PR) memberi khuatir kadar kenaikan harga makanan sekarang jika tidak dikawal akan menyebabkan rakyat terpaksa membayar 30 peratus lebih tinggi berbanding enam tahun lalu dan berulangnya situasi 2008.
“Pada kadar kenaikan harga makanan, dijangka pada akhir 2011 (tahun ini), rakyat terpaksa membayar 30 peratus lebih dari harga kos setiap jenis makanan berbanding 2005.
“Sepanjang enam tahun tersebut harga makanan telah naik sebanyak 30 peratus sedangkan kenaikan upah di negara ini puratanya sekitar 2.6 peratus dari tahun 2001 sehinggga 2010,” kata Ketua Umum PR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
Anwar, bekas menteri kewangan berkata, statistik inflasi terbaru dikeluarkan Bank Negara untuk empat bulan antara Januari dan April lalu begitu membimbangkan.
“Saya prihatin dengan kenaikan sebanyak 4.9 peratus harga makanan dan minuman tidak beralkohol dari bulan Januari sehingga bulan April tahun ini sekiranya dibandingkan dengan harga makanan serta minuman tidak beralkohol untuk jangka masa yang sama tahun lepas,” katanya.
Kata beliau, jika kenaikan itu tidak dibendung dan kekal untuk bulan seterusnya, tahun ini akan mencatatkan kenaikan harga makanan kedua tertinggi semenjak 2006.
“Kenaikan ini akan menambah derita rakyat sepertimana pada tahun 2008 lalu apabila harga makanan naik sehingga 8.8 peratus, akibat kenaikan mendadak harga minyak dan petrol” kata beliau lagi.
Dalam kenyataan itu, kata Anwar, harga makanan di Malaysia naik dua kali ganda jika dibandingkan dengan harga makanan seluruh dunia sepanjang empat bulan pertama tahun ini.
Katanya, perbandingan antara Indeks Harga Pengguna (CPI) dilaporkan oleh Organisasi Makanan dan Pertanian Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dengan statistik dikeluarkan Bank Negara menunjukkan ramai rakyat Malaysia bakal terkesan dengan tindakan terburu buru kerajaan merasionalisasi subsidi.
Malah kata Anwar, PR yakin wujudnya kaitan akibat dari penarikan subsidi buat rakyat Malaysia dengan kenaikan harga makanan sebagaimana yang dicatatkan sepanjang empat bulan pertama tahun ini.
Oleh itu kata Ketua Pembangkang di Parlimen, alasan kerajaan untuk menarik kembali subsidi atas alasan boleh meringankan beban defisit belanjawan ternyata lemah.
“Jelasnya rakyat yang terkesan akibat daripada program rasionalisasi tersebut sedangkan pembaziran serta ketirisan yang mengakibatkan defisit tidak pula diatasi sesegera mungkin.
“Rakyat mula muak dengan tatakelola ekonomi yang lemah oleh BN apabila mereka terpaksa menanggung derita sedangkan kroni dan mereka yang dekat dengan pemerintah mendapat keuntungan yang bukan sedikit malah tidak pula dihukum,” katanya lagi.
Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh ini berkata, PR telah merangka langkah yang jelas dan beriltizam untuk mengurangkan defisit belanjawan negara serta berusaha memastikan upaya itu tidak membebankan rakyat sebagaimana terkandung dalam Buku Jingga.
“Langkah ini termasuklah menarik kembali subsidi korporat berjumlah RM19 bilion yang diberikan kepada elit serta syarikat yang dekat dengan pemerintah termasuklah syarikat IPP.
“Kita juga akan berusaha menghapuskan rasuah yang telah merugikan kerajaan persekutuan sekitar RM28 bilion setiap tahun,” katanya lagi

Five dead as landslide hits orphanage

Unknown | 10:19 PM | Best Blogger Tips

The children were taking part in a motivational camp at the orphanage when the landslide struck.
KUALA LUMPUR: An avalanche of mud smashed into an orphanage in Kampung Gahal, Hulu Langat, killing at least five children, police said, after heavy monsoon rains lashed Kuala
Lumpur and surrounding areas on Saturday.
Police said eight children had been rescued from under the mud that partly covered the orphanage in Selangor.
But seven children remained missing after the landslide, which struck on Saturday afternoon, police chief Ismail Omar said.
“The rains are making rescue work difficult as the mud is still moving,” he told Reuters.
The children were taking part in a motivational camp at the orphanage when the landslide struck, local media said.
The incident took place at around 2:30 pm at the Children’s Hidayah Madrasah Al-Taqwa orphanage.
The child survivors were aged between 11 and 17 and a 22-year-old adult is believed to be a worker at the orphanage. The dead children were aged between 11 and 14.
The survivors were rushed to Kajang Hospital, Selangor police chief Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah told a news conference.
He said the orphanage, located close to a hill, had 49 occupants, five of them caretakers. All the residents of the orphanage are male.
The debris from the landslide covered the whole camp erected on the hillside.  A surau was also hit by the landslide.
“We understand that two landslides occurred within seconds of each other. All of them in the camp were trapped,” Tun Hisan said at the scene.
He said the rescuers comprised personnel from the Fire & Rescue Department, police and Civil Defence Department.
Rescue operations were ongoing even in heavy rain, said Putrajaya Fire & Rescue assistant commissioner Morni Mamat.

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Anwar: Tak perlu 'ISA' Ibrahim Ali

Unknown | 5:56 AM | Best Blogger Tips

Ketua pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata, Datuk Ibrahim Ali tidak perlu ditahan mengikut Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) mahupun didakwa di bawah Akta Hasutan berhubung kenyataan gempar yang dibuat oleh presiden PERKASA itu berhubung 'perang salib' ke atas penganut Kristian.

NONESebaliknya, isu sebenar berhubung kenyataan berkenaan adalah sikap yang ditunjukkan Umno serta perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, yang menurut Anwar, hanya membiarkan tindakan sedemikian berterusan.

Ucapan Ibrahim dalam satu program ceramah pada 14 Mei itu mencetus kontroversi dan meraih kritikan pelbagai pihak termasuk para pemimpin gereja, kumpulan ulama dan NGO.

Namun, menteri undang-undang, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz pula sekadar menyatakan bahawa amaran seperti yang disuarakan oleh Ibrahim itu kini sudah menjadi satu norma di Malaysia – maka tidak adil sekiranya Ibrahim sahaja yang dikenakan tindakan.

Ibrahim pula ketika mempertahankan ucapannya itu berkata, slogan jihad yang dilaungkannya ke atas golongan Krisitian itu "tidak bermaksud berbunuh-bunuhan dengan orang Kristian atau orang bukan Islam" tetapi sekadar untuk "menggemparkan" bagi tujuan menyedarkan orang ramai.

ibrahim ali perkasa ceramah in gombak 3Bagi Anwar, Umnolah yang bertanggungjawab membiarkan kenyataan melampau dan juga penghinaan ke atas gereja Kristian seperti itu berterusan.

"Memang ada undang-undang untuk menyiasat (kenyataan Ibrahim) tetapi bagaimana untuk menyiasat sekiranya ia dipromosikan (dan) disokong oleh pemerintah? Penyelesaiannya? Berilah rakyat faham dan jangan undi mereka.

"Tidak kiralah apa yang Nazri kata, dia tidak ada kredibiliti. Saya tidak fikir dia mewakili suara-suara rasional ataupun yang berdasarkan undang-undang, jadi saya tidak fikir dia mewakili apa-apa yang positif.
Kurang adab

"(Kenyataannya) kurang adab kesopanan, hanya untuk menyebarkan maklumat ini kepada rakyat. Patutkah satu negara bertamadun membiarkan sentimen seperti ini selepas separuh dekad mengecap kemerdekaan?," katanya lagi dalam satu wawancara eksklusif dengan Malaysiakini.

NONEAnwar juga memegang prinsip yang sama ke atas akhbarUtusan Malaysia yang bertanggungjawab menyiarkan dakwaan kononnya terdapat usaha daripada pemimpin Kristian untuk menukar agama rasmi persekutuan dan juga melantik perdana menteri daripada kalangan penganut agama itu.

"Ada banyak undang-undang dan suruhanjaya yang boleh menanganinya... Tapi tentulah naif sekiranya kita menganggap bahawa Umno akan mengambil apa-apa tindakan ke atas lidah parti mereka sendiri, yang mana fungsinya ditetapkan oleh presiden parti yang menjadi perdana menteri negara ini.

"Saya bukanlah... kata orang, fatalistik atau acuh tidak acuh. Saya kata, ini perlu dijelaskan. Najib tidak boleh terus berkata 'Oh,Utusan, susah', tapi saya tahu Utusan dan bagaimana ia dikendalikan," katanya lagi.

Tak percaya SMS isteri kahwin

Unknown | 3:11 AM | Best Blogger Tips

SABRI menunjukkan foto isterinya, Roslina yang hilang sejak 22 April lalu.

Suami syak mesej dihantar guna telefon bimbit Roslina dibuat penculik

KUALA LUMPUR: ‘Saya sudah selamat berkahwin sekarang... tolong jangan cari saya,” demikian SMS pertama dihantar pegawai bank, Roslina Awang Kechik, 37, kepada suaminya, Jumaat lalu, sejak dilaporkan hilang pada 22 April lalu. 

Bagaimanapun, sebaik SMS itu diterima, suaminya, Sabri Man, 38, cuba menghubungi semula nombor itu beberapa kali, termasuk menghantar SMS kerana mahu mendengar daripada mulut Roslina sendiri, namun tidak dibalas sebelum telefon bimbit isterinya itu dimatikan.

“Saya pasti SMS itu bukan daripada Roslina berdasarkan ayat digunakannya, sebaliknya saya percaya ditulis lelaki yang menculik isteri saya.

“Bagaimanapun, sekiranya perkara diungkapkan itu benar, saya mahu mendengar daripada mulut Roslina sendiri sebelum sesuatu tindakan diambil. 

“Secara logiknya, kenapa perkara sebegitu penting hanya dimaklumkan menerusi SMS dan bukannya bersemuka. Saya tegaskan, kami masih pasangan suami isteri dan Roslina tidak boleh berkahwin lain,” katanya ketika dihubungi Berita Harian, semalam. 

Berita Harian sebelum ini melaporkan kehilangan kakitangan bank itu selepas keluar rumah menuju ke pejabatnya di Dataran Maybank, Bangsar. 

Sabri berkata, sejak kehilangan isterinya sebulan lalu, kehidupan mereka sekeluarga sepi terutama anak bongsunya berusia lapan tahun yang sering memanggil ibunya. 
“Suami mana tidak sedih, isteri hilang begitu saja tanpa sebab. Malah, rumah tangga saya sebelum ini tidak dilanda sebarang masalah yang boleh menjadi punca Roslina melarikan diri. 

“Saya cuba menjalankan tugas sebagai suami merangkap ibu sebaik mungkin untuk tiga anak saya walaupun dalam keadaan tertekan kerana saya tidak mahu anak terasa kehilangan ibu mereka,” katanya. 

Beliau berharap individu yang menjadi dalang kehilangan isterinya itu melepaskan Roslina segera supaya dapat kembali ke pangkuan keluarga bagi menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai isteri dan ibu kepada anaknya. 

No forgiveness for Ibrahim Ali or Nazri, both accused of further hypocrisy

Unknown | 2:29 AM | Best Blogger Tips

No forgiveness for Ibrahim Ali or Nazri, both accused of further hypocrisy
Two of Malaysia's most outspoken Malay leaders found themselves in the doghouse after careless and insensitive speech against the other races in the country.
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nazri Aziz for underestimating the intelligence of the people by hiding behing "free speech" to avoid taking action against the other garrulous but pro-establishment leader Ibrahim Ali.
As for Ibrahim, an ultra-Malay rights rabble-rouser, he tried to douse the fire lit by his controversial call for a crusade against Christians in the country by insisting that he used the word jihad (or holy battle) for "shock" effect.
But his clumsy and half-hearted efforts to retract part of his extreme speech made last Saturday failed to appease, drawing even greater contempt from his non-Muslim peers.
"We are happy to note that Ibrahim Ali does not intend to kill the Christians in the country, but when did the Christians demean Islam. Only Utusan and the Umno bloggers said such a thing. For the record, DAP and the Christian leaders had already completely denied the report, yet Ibrahim Ali still used it to curry favor with the crowd even though it can incite hatred and spark riots," Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming told Malaysia Chronicle.
In his statement issued late on Thursday night, Ibrahim had sought a way out of the predicament he brought on himself and his self-styled ultra Malay-rights group Perkasa.
"Jihad does not only mean perang salib or crusade, it does not mean the killing of Christians and Muslims, but it includes acts of prevention using one's hands, mouth, writing and other means," said Ibrahim.
"Everyone lost their cool but they don't realise what they do sometimes also demean Islam, and when this happens no one is reprimanded."
There was no apology at all.
'Be careful what Nazri is actually saying'
Meawhile, as expected, Nazri has stood by his much criticised decision not to prosecute Ibrahim, citing freedom of speech as his rationale.
“But it has been days since he made the statement and yet, we do not see any riot on the streets. People are no longer as sensitive as they were before. Now, people just laugh at Ibrahim and call him a clown. So you cannot even say that Ibrahim’s words have caused the Malays to rise against the Christians," Malaysian Insider reported Nazri as saying.
Nazri also pledged the same liberty for other Malaysians in similar situations in the future.
But his words and new-found affinity for new politics convinced no one or comforted anybody.
"Nzari and Umno are trying to take advantage of peaceful nature of the non-Malays who will think twice about any physical action because they are outnumbered. In this case, it is Ibrahim, a Malay, saying bad things about Christians. Of course, the Malays and the Muslims won't riot against him. The Christians also won't - their protest comes in the verbal form through letters, their leaders, in the social media and so forth. Just because Christians don't take to arms does not mean they don't feel as strongly as if they marched 10km and screamed and shouted," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
"Conversely, if a non-Malay and non-Muslim said bad things about the Malays and the Muslims, some of the Malays especially the Perkasa types will surely go haywire or pretend to go haywire to stir things up. They will protest and demonstarte. Will Nazri then turn around and say, this is different. It is different because the words of the non-Malay actually caused a physical reaction and that is jailable under the Sedition Act or the ISA. We have to be very careful because we are now dealing with Umno elite who twist and turn everything. They cannot be trusted at all."
As for Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, he opposes using draconian laws to charge Ibrahim Ali but insists that Ibrahim can and should be punished under laws other than the Sedition Act and the Internal Security Act, which allows for detention without trial for indefinite periods of time.
"I do not condone the use of these laws even as a temporary measure.  But should a civilised country, after half a century of independence, condone these sorts of sentiments?" Malaysiakini reported Anwar as saying.
"There are (other) laws to investigate Ibrahim, but how do investigate when you know it is being promoted and supported by the ruling establishment?"
At a rally last Saturday, Ibrahim had attacked the Christian community, which forms 10 per cent of Malaysia's 28 million population versus the Muslims' 60 per cent.
Based on an unsustantianted news article in the Umno-owned Utusan daily that Christians wanted Christianity to replace Islam as the country's official religion, Ibrahim had threatened bloodshed against them.
“If they want a crusade, so be it. If they say that the peace that we enjoy is not good enough we shall take up the challenge. Don't take the silence of Muslims as a sign of fear,” Ibrahim had boomed in his controversial speech.
“Before our followers fall in this battle, Perkasa leaders will first lay down their lives and die sprawling in blood.”

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