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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

AdilanClub:Senseless policies and cabbies’ livelihood

Unknown | 2:12 PM | | Best Blogger Tips

AdilanClub:Breaking news, is the best for news

Heartless and senseless policies have effectively destroyed and continues to steadily demolish our livelihoods. These merciless policies were created by the government over the years to keep afloat individuals, families, cronies and selected corporations.

Why is the issuance of individual permits not feasible? The miserable explanation provided by Syed Hamid Albar is illogical and not tenable. Because of the unreasonable monopoly practiced by the government on the issuance of permits, cabbies have today become a displaced lot.

Cabbies have lost focus and sense of direction and are indebted to organisations. They are treated like modern slaves without proper care and protection.Therefore any suggestion to issue taxi permits directly to individual cabbies must be viewed positively and not narrowly.

We are not asking for a nationalisation of any company as alleged by Syed Hamid Albar. But we vehemently object to the monopolisation of any industry and exploitation. Additionally, we don’t need arrogant leaders who failed to appreciate and understand the true plight of cabbies.

>Link Info >General Issues >Politics >Malaysia

Monday, March 25, 2013

AdilanClub: PBS leader tells Mahathir to ‘shut-up’

Unknown | 11:33 PM | | | Best Blogger Tips

AdilanClub: Dr M: Najib will be challenged if he fails

Unknown | 11:20 PM | | | Best Blogger Tips

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