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Friday, April 29, 2011

Malaysia must stop its porn politics - it's now or never

Unknown | 4:08 AM | | | Best Blogger Tips

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It is mind blowing. It is absolutely unbelievable. That a nation that proclaims to have a multi-cultural society with centuries old religious values enshrined in its many aspirations canopying the social and political fabric of the nation, is suddenly so obsessed with porn politics.
Malaysian politicians and the various responsible machineries of government must not only put an immediate stop to all these degrading, humiliating and despicable porn episodes after episodes, but must also be seen to be making urgent redress to the severly soiled and tattered reputation of Malaysians.
The Honorable Prime Minister as the Head of government must call the shouts loud and clear. Since the Sodomy I saga, years ago, we are continuing to witness so many sex and porn related sagas in the public domain. And of recent it has just gone too far for any decent human soul to accept.
We cannot go on and on assasinating political opponents through such base, inhuman, uncouth and despicable avenues like resorting to porn politics and doing so in the public domain.
The government and its entire team of honorable, God-fearing, people-respecting cabinet members too must rise to do battle with all the scum and porn politics that is making honest, loyal, humble and practicing faithfuls of the various denominations to cringe with pain and disgust.
Why are we allowing all these porn politics that now have hit another disgusting low of implicating and derogating the daughter of the opposition leader? Please, where is the strong arm of the law?
If all the leaders, guardians of law and order, and justice cannot plug this unending spewing of porn politics into the public domain that risks and corrupts the dignity of the young and old, then the religious leaders and all their faithfuls must take the bull by the horn.
If our chosen leaders cannot raise our human dignity in the eyes of our children and the world community then the citizens must take up the broom themselves and clean up all these porn political practices that seem to be the most favoured checkmate-startegy among certain quarters.
Citizens and leaders what do you say? How long more must we be wayside witnesses to these horrifying porn political games? Do we stop it or do we let it be? Do our leaders want to stop it or must the citizens rise together with responsibility and get that job done?
Or do we all lay back, relish and savour all these sickening, chocking and morally disgusting filth? Malaysians must make a decision. The choice to rescue our image and reputation is a categorical imperative. Either the elected leaders do it or the citizens must assume that responsibility to put the nation back on more respectable benchmark.

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