Every now and then an issue crops up that tests the expertise, character, strength and resolve of our nation's leadership in dealing with, and managing what has more than mere financial impact on the lives of citizens.
How our Prime Minister deals with such a complex issue as the Lynas Project has a great bearing on what he and his BUMNO/BN colleagues think of us, and in what regard and esteem they hold the safety and general interests of the people who voted them into power, as well as those who did not.
On what has transpired so far, the vast majority of Malaysians will certainly form the opinion that PM Najib and the Cabinet hold us in utter contempt and disregard, for which reason alone we should vote BUMNO/BN out of Government in GE13. There are hundreds of other reasons why BUMNO/BN should be voted out. The vast array of financial frauds and scandals committed while this regime has been in power must constitute some sort of world record, when weightage is given to its relatively small population of 28 million!
Full article : Lynas anad the lyin' ass!
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