The form-fitting black skirts and body-hugging white shirts are common on every university campus in Thailand.
A poll on which country has the sexiest uniforms has drawn both ire and curiosity.
Thailand's female undergraduate uniforms had the top votes for being the sexiest.
In response to the poll, Deputy Education Minister Chaiyos Jiramethakorn was quoted in the Thai language daily Naew Na saying that universities should crack down on revealing clothing.
It is de riguer apparently, for many young women to shorten their school skirts - which are intended to be worn at knee length - to the point where sitting demurely in public is a challenge.
The Thai Education minister has said the ministry will summon educators to discuss the problem and work out policies to tackle the issue.
According to an online report in the asiasentinel, Thai students have for years said they dress the way they do precisely because they see the uniform as a rule from an earlier time and they just want to appear stylish and young.
Clampdowns on students' dressing is not uncommon. In Singapore last year, students from Republic Polytechnic received an email warning about their 'inappropriate' attire.
The complaints about their dressing - boys and girls alike - stemmed mostly from them wearing slippers and shorts to school.
In 2008, private school MDIS clamped down on students wearing shorts or skirts that ended 15cm above their knees.
That same year, students in local universities were reported as saying that they did not feel they dressed too sexily, though they were dressing down a fair bit.
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