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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Attempts to kill Anwar: From character assasination to outright assasination

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Attempts to kill Anwar: From character assasination to outright assasination
Pakatan Rakyat leaders expressed shock and outrage at news of the attempts to harm Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, whose car brakes had been tampered with, warning Prime Minister Najib Razak that the point of no return had been reached and it was time that he respected the people's wishes for a government of their own choosing.
"I am very worried that the situation will degenerate further with the BN moving from character assasination to outright assasination," PAS vice president Salahauddin Ayub told Malaysia Chronicle.
"You can see the desperation in the politicking against Anwar. There has been Sodomy I, Sodomy 2, Datuk T sex video and now if they cannot kill his character and his credibility, I am very worried his enemies might just kill him."
Anwar's driver of 28 years, Abdullah Sani Haji Said, had a day ago lodged a police report on suspected sabotage to his boss's car. He backed his claim with a detailed copy of the mechanic's report.
"I was told that it is impossible for the bolt to come off without someone removing it. Based on what the mechanic told me, there are also elements of sabotage, considering that the vehicle is regularly used by Anwar," said Abdullah, referring to a caliper-guide bolt-pin that supports the disc brake.
"The car was in good condition when we started driving it and since it is also impossible for the bolt to come off without someone removing it, I believe that someone did this deliberately to hurt or kill Anwar Ibrahim."
Point of no return
Salahuddin, who is a member of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's special parliamentary committee, called on the police to launch an immediate investigation.
DAP MP for Beruas Ngeh Koo Ham echoed his call, saying that should any untoward incident befall Anwar, it would spell a very dark period for Malaysia that could take years if not decades to recover from.
"I am very disappointed at this development. To think that we can sink to that level of murder is a slap in the face to all our progress that we and our forefathers toiled for. It is a real step backwards, not to mention a heinous crime," Ngeh told Malaysia Chronicle.
"If we look at history, you will find that the old Alliance government went all out to annihilate the Communists, not because the Communists were terrorists but because they were afraid to lose power. Communism does not equate to terrorism, but the Alliance leaders insisted they were and this led to thousands of innocent people being killed.
"This is now what Anwar's enemies is trying to do. To twist the truth and when it can't be twisted anymore, they even try to kill him off. I appeal to the BN or those extremists in BN to stop before we go past the point of no return. Please respect the people's wishes for a government of the people for the people by the people."


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