AdilanClub:Breaking news, is the best for news
Has there been a more loathsome, reviled, offensive, malevolent, repulsive, abhorrent and abhorred person in Asian politics than this man who claims he is a Constitutional Malay, but not an Indian even though his father was a Keralan of India descent? Since when, and by what logic or magic, did religion change anyone's DNA?
And I exult now that he has fallen on his own sword in his continuing vendetta against the man he (and UMNO/BN) fears more than anyone else, Anwar Ibrahim.
In his haste to anyhow link Anwar Ibrahim to the infamous and traitorous 'Project M Blue Identity Cards (IC) and Citizenships For Sale To Muslims' scandal, to illegally re-engineer the population mix in Sabah during his tenure as Prime Minister of Malaysia from 1981-2003, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has over-played his hand.
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