AdilanClub:Breaking news, is the best for news
Where do you go after you've posted naked pictures and sex videos of you and your lover on the Internet? Let's ask Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and Pamela Anderson—and for that matter, Colin Farrell, Kanye West, Tommy Lee, Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit and perhaps some politicians, too.
Truth is, bedroom photos and sex romp tapes are great for jacking up a celebrity's profile, and many a star have had their career explode on the back of a sex scandal. Now, Malaysian sex bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee are finding out just what a wide rollercoaster ride that kind of infamy can be.
Public opinion has been split on their actions, from people tearing them apart and putting them down with every vile name in the book to supporters who champion their right to freedom of expression and commending them for standing up for what they believe in.
Not that either of them could care less.
>Link Info : General Issues - Sex Blog