Amid fresh allegations that public funds were used to buy a Mercedes-Benz, land and disbursement of some RM600,000 to family members of Shahrizat Jalil, the police has let off the embattled Wanita UMNO head, saying there is no criminal breach of trust involving the National Feedlot Corporation owned by her family.
This came as Shahrizat, addressing the UMNO general assembly, launched a vitriolic attack on PKR leaders such as her counterpart Zuraida Kamaruddin, secretary general Saifuddin Nasution and spokesman Rafizi Ramli, who had been exposing to the media shocking details of financial mismanagement at NFC.
"You think we are afraid of you?" asked a visibly angry Shahrizat. "She (Zuraida) wants me to resign. Who are you to order me?”
This came as Shahrizat, addressing the UMNO general assembly, launched a vitriolic attack on PKR leaders such as her counterpart Zuraida Kamaruddin, secretary general Saifuddin Nasution and spokesman Rafizi Ramli, who had been exposing to the media shocking details of financial mismanagement at NFC.
"You think we are afraid of you?" asked a visibly angry Shahrizat. "She (Zuraida) wants me to resign. Who are you to order me?”